[Windows 7] How To Set Administrator Privileges As Default ?

You may encountered need administrator privileges as install some software in Windows 7 operating system,why not Windows 7 is in administrator privileges as default ? i would like to share with you how to set Windows 7 in administrator privileges as default and easy for you to install software.

1.Go to ‘start’ –> ‘Computer’ and right click ,select ‘Manage’.2.Double click ‘Users and Groups’,select ‘Users’ option and right click –> ‘Properties’,

Windows 7 administrator privileges

3.In ‘General’ tab,uncheck ‘Account is disable’,then click ‘apply’ and ‘OK’.

Windows 7 administrator privileges

4.You also need to delete others users name in the list.

Windows 7 administrator privileges

Now Windows 7 will not asking need administrator privileges as install software.