I’ve heard about twitter about few months ago but only tried it seriously two weeks ago .At that time i felt ‘exciting’ to follow up all the comments that inside the twitter,at last i was felt tired and stress as my eyes always looking to the computer screen kept track the information in twitter .Luckily i got this Flaptor Twitter Search website .
It is easy using flaptor twitter search for searching content in twitter.Enter the keyword such as XP SP3 in searching column and click ‘Search Twitter’ .
The searching results will show up.Then click the RSS icon and subscribe with RSS reader.When the specify keyword in twitter has been “mentioned “,you can obtain the information through an RSS reader after 5 minutes.
Flaptor Twitter Search also provided trend graph feature to monitor the specify keyword from time to time.You just click ‘see trends for XP SP3’ ,
From the trend graph,we can knowing when the specify keyword become popular and famous.
You also can put in more specify keywords and compared in the same time for a hot discussion or topics.