Process Lasso : Improve system responsiveness and stability Of Computer

Your computer have the following symptoms? Hang on the half way?Applications are often implemented no reaction? Games running with high consuming CPU cycle? Come and try Process Lasso this free software,It can effectively improve the symptoms above.


Process Lasso is a software that will improve system responsiveness and stability and
is a unique new technology intended to automatically restrain running processes that are consuming too many CPU cycles.

With Process Lasso, these processes are temporarily reduced in priority so that the system is returned to a responsive level. Process Lasso can even work when multiple processes are responsible for a decrease in system responsiveness.

Process Lasso functions are;

  • Automatic out-of-control process restraint
  • Foreground boosting
  • Default process priorities
  • Default process affinities
  • Auto-termination
  • Process launch logging
  • System responsiveness calculation and graph

Process Lasso supported Window OS ( Window 2000,2003,XP and Vista)

Download 32bit version and 64 bit version .

After download and installed,i tried run Window Media player,spyware doctor,Firefox web browser to browser website and Winamp listen to music,videos and music players no hang happens and the reaction window are normal (zoom in, out and move).

If you are a person who like to open multi task or working processes in your computer,process lasso is a choice for you.