Nowadays we use lot of online storage or cloud storage service storing and backup ours important files. Sometimes it’s quite troublesome as you transfer some files from one online storage to another cloud storage as you need to log in two online storage service in same time. Otixo is a web service connected to your favorite cloud storage Dropbox,, Google Docs, SugarSync, Picasa, MobileMe, Amazon S3 and manage them through a single account.By the way Otixo allowed to add a network drive in your computer access all these cloud storage from desktop.
Otixo Cloud Storage Set Up
Otixo build in with a single interface allow you access all the cloud storage service. Sign up a free account (250MB bandwidth usage per month ) and click a conformation link from your register email, then can start to use Otixo. Now you can notice all the cloud storage service appeared at right panel, select a cloud service (Dropbox) and enter a display name then click 「Authorize via Dropbox 」.
Right click on the file on cloud service and can let you share, rename, delete or download, if you want to transfer the files from one cloud storage to another cloud storage, simply click 「Copy 」 then 「Paste 」 to another cloud storage without download to PC then transfer it, that all.
You can access to all cloud service files by added Otixo as a network drive to your PC. Right click 「My Computer 」 and select 「Map Network Drive 」, add into folder option then click 「Finish 」.
You will asking to enter Otixo username and password, a Otixo network drive added inside my computer. Due to using WebDAV protocol, access and transfer files speed will be a bit slow.