LEGO Star Wars Space Runner Free Download [Intel AppUp]

After Angry Birds Rio for Windows free download from Intel AppUp center,now another game offer by Intel AppUp center,LEGO Star Wars Space Runner is free for download now.

LEGO StarWars Space Runner


In LEGO Star Wars Space Runner, you have the freedom to create your own space ship to survive the dangers of space. Taking down enemies and asteroids will reward you with LEGO blocks that can be placed on your ship anyway you please. The bigger your ship, the more difficult it is for the enemies and asteroids to destroy you, so make sure to collect as many LEGO pieces as possible.

LEGO Star Wars Space Runner designed for Windoes XP and 7 only.You need to visit and download Intel AppUp center software .

Procedure how to get LEGO Star Wars Space Runner is same getting Angry Birds Rio from Intel AppUp center .