Laptoplock – Recover,Track And Locate Your Laptop/Notebook

Last two week i introduced a software ‘IHound‘ to trace and locate the removable device but exclude the laptop.Here has a another software can trace your laptop – Laptoplock.

Most of the shopping complex in Malaysia already given a notice to public that don’t left the laptop inside the car and must bring along with you,caused the thieves will using a device that can scanning through the car and knowing the laptop inside the car ( we know that must keep under the seat or at the back of the car),then they breaking in your car and stole your laptop.I don’t know other country have these same situation or not but i know that kept the laptop inside the car is a huge mistake.

To make your laptop to become more secure,you can try the Laptoplock.Laptoplock will install a laptoplock agent software into your laptop,the agent will worked silently and it will contact back to laptoplock and report the location using any internet connection if stolen.

You need to sign up a account with a valid email address.after sign up,you need to give a name to your laptop,then download the laptoplock agent to your laptop.
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After that, entered the email address and computer ID that generated by laptoplock website in ‘the laptoplock option’ pop up window and also the password for accessing software.

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In security option,there have file security and notification can set which file that you wanted to delete or encrypt if the laptop reported stolen .( the file can decrypt back if your laptop can get back)

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Moreover,you also can set the message and the sound will appear if the stolen laptop online again.
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If your laptop has been stolen,log in into laptoplock website,go to control panel,click the report computer missing button to launch security plan into motion.Next time ,if this stolen laptop connected to the internet again,your set up action will be executed ( show the message,play the sound,delete and encrypt the file ).

The laptoplock will trace the IP location for each time the stolen laptop connected to the internet.You can get this information and reported to the local ISP and law enforcement, then can get back your laptop if you lucky.

This software is free to use and supported Window OS only.

PS.The most important point that i consider is how fast the local ISP and law enforcement action as getting the IP location information,second is normally we set a password for the user,how to connected internet if the thieves don’t know the password,then the answer is don’t set the password for the user and make easy for the thieves connected to internet ?