IE 6/7 As Main Web Browser,You Need Preventive Action

Most of us still using Internet Explore (IE 6/7) as main web browser ,sometimes we also heard that the IE default homepage change to other website,the speed to open a website become slower or suddenly pop up window.If you persisted IE as your main web browser,you need some preventive action before become a ‘victim’.

The infection that mentioned above normally are caused by malware,viruses or script virus,we need to

1.Disable file system object (FSO)
Normally script virus spread through with FSO,we need to disable it.
Run-> key in regsvr32 /u scrrun.dll,then press enter.
If you wanted to enable it,key in regsvr32 scrrun.dll

2.Some of the viruses spread out through malicious ActiveX to running the computer operating system,we need to prohibit these kind of ActiveX running without our noticed.

Open registry editor,
delete above value,then malicious ActiveX will not active.

3.Disable ‘remote registry’
Select control panel ->Administrative tool -> Services -> remote registry,double click on it,
change to ‘disable’ mode at start up type column,then select ‘Apply’ and ‘OK’.

All the procedure are for window xp sp2 operating system only.