How To Use Google Map Find Latitude And Longitude Coordinates Location ?

My friend using a GPS device and Google maps planning his journey or find place of interest, one thing he dislike is have to enter street name, number and others location data then can start route journey. His is asking how to find latitude and longitude coordinates of a place easily then he only key in these two data only starting route journey. Well Google map can help you finding a latitude and longitude coordinates location easily.

Use Google Maps Find Latitude And Longitude Coordinates Location

Google map not only can find address of a destination but also can help you getting latitude and longitude coordinates location. Below i will share with you the method and easy for you using GPS device for navigation.

Method 1

1.Using Google Map and navigate the location,right click and click 「What’s here」.

google map


2.Google Map searching bar will showing latitude and longitude coordinates location immediately. At the same time you may notice a green color arrow appeared, click it would showed you two kind of latitude and longitude coordinates location format (caused some of GPS device accept minutes and degree format).

google map


Method 2

1.Click icon and select 「Map Lab」.

google map


2.Please ENABLE 「LatLng Tooltip」 or 「LatLng Marker」,then click 「Save changes」.

google map


3.If you enable 「LatLng Tooltip」and press 「SHIFT」 button keyboard, latitude and longitude coordinates location will showed beside mouse but enable 「LatLng Marker」,a 「Drop LatLng Marker」added to right click menu, click it will adding latitude and longitude coordinates location tag on the map.

google map


So,you can try it if never use this method before.