HDHacker : A Software To Save And Restore MBR & Boot Sectors For Your Computer

Most of us will back up the data,files and drivers to prevent computer collapsed,then the data can be restore back after formatted.How about the MBR and boot sector back up ?i thought most of us will not concern this caused formatted computer is a last solution for them to solve the problem,why need to back up MBR and boot sectors.Here i present to you a software to back up this two important files to save your time for formatting computer.

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HDHacker is a standalone utility for you to save and restore the MBR,boot sector from disk.It is easy to use,

To save the data (the chosen MBR or boot sector), HDHacker will request:

1. To select a Physical Drive.
3. To select “SAVE SECTOR TO File”
(if you want to save the MBR in a file, for example, as a back up).

During RESTORE, the options will be:

1. Select Physical Drive.
2. Select “LOAD SECTOR FROM File”
(then select the backup MBR or sector file you have previously saved).
3. Select “WRITE SECTOR ON DISK” to complete the procedure.

Download HDHacker.