Free Giveaway: Boxpn Vpn Accounts [Oct 2012]

If you didn’t get any vpn account from Kepard premium vpn giveaway conducted last month, here Techgravy would like to held Boxpn vpn accounts giveaway and total 10 free vpn accounts will giveaway to Techgravy blog readers.

Boxpn having 10 vpn servers located at UK, USA, Canada, France, German, Turkey, Spain, Singapore, Sweden and Switzerland providing PPTP, L2TP and SSTP protocol vpn connection. We can use Boxpn vpn service for Windows, Mac OS, iPhone, iPad and Android platform devices in order to get internet traffic encryption (read Techgravy’s Boxpn review for further info).

Boxpn vpn giveaway

Recently boxpn torrent traffic is allowed on Canada – TORONTO, NETHERLANDS, SWEDEN and TURKEY networks, moreover new Torrent allowed networks in PANAMA and JAPAN will be live soon.

Boxpn Vpn Accounts Giveaway

Boxpn sponsored 10 Free vpn accounts with 3 months subscription (costs $18.00) each to Techgravy readers.

Enter giveaway contest through email using PunchTab widget below and follow the procedure provided. The email must valid and Boxpn admin will use it to send out vpn account detail to the winners.

You can earn points by like the post, tweeting and others to get more chances of winning.

We will select 10 lucky winners and announce on Oct 28, 2012.

Techgravy blog reserves the rights to change any terms and conditions of the giveaway without any notification.

Good luck.

PS : The winners name list will publish at end of this post.

Giveaway closed.The winners are

1.when lin
2.Siti Nurhaliz
3.Hung Cuong Nguyen
4.irma wibowo
5.Thomas Cole
6.Saint Athena
7.Ejara Icie
8.ace donev
9.Anh Vuong
10.nenad stoshic

Congratulation. Boxpn admin will send out licenses key details to you shortly.

Latest Comments

  1. den
  2. goulouis
  3. ivan
  4. Paul
  5. Terence
  6. Raghavan
  7. mehrdad
  8. Quoc Vuong
  9. ace donev
  10. Nishant Shrivastava
  11. peter chan
  12. Fish
  13. hana
  14. enrak
  15. when